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Kaa var registreties Full Tilt Poker freeroll turniriem?

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Edgars B.........., pirms 15 gadiem :

p.s. ehh, nu labi, kļūdijos :) bet arī vērtīga info par Jums interesējošo tēmu :)


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Māris Raugulis


"I don't see any freerolls for my country. How come?
We’re frequently adding freerolls for more countries, so keep an eye out as your country may be next! In the meantime, feel free to check out our daily Hold 'Em, Omaha Hi, HORSE, and Razz freerolls which are open to all players.

Still Need Help? Contact our 24/7 Customer Support TeamBack to top"

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Māris Raugulis, pirms 15 gadiem :
"24/7 support is offered via email ( support@fulltiltpoker.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it ). The support team is always very friendly and helpful. They seem to be more knowledgeable than most support staff I have come across - for English speaking players anyway - I'm not sure what they are like with other languages, but they do offer multi-language support and web help."

Māris Raugulis, pirms 15 gadiem :
"Register at and you'll be able to play exclusive freerolls at Full Tilt Poker every Sunday. You'll need a password to register, which you can find on this page. Just register to, login to your account and you'll see the password. It's that simple. Registration is completely free, as is the freeroll itself."

unknown (Google), pirms 15 gadiem :

Ja var ta pa latviski ludzu! Tas man itka viss skaidrs, bet man vai zinat kaa registreties tam turniram nekur nav rakstits tas register nav tas pogas?


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