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Tai yra speliojimai..
Gal ir taip...o gal taip netiketai kada grįš iš tos dimensijos :-)

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Galimas atvejis

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Dalia as esu:D


Niekas to neirode,tik speliojimai..idomu tikrai,bet kaip suzinoti..

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Ausra Pyvoriute


Kazkas neiprasto ten, tikrai.

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Gabrielius Tukaj


manyciau kad gal ir tiesa :) radau toki idomu atveji(anglu k.):
It goes without saying that the hypothesis about a time hole above the Bermuda Triangle stirred up more rumors, and more horrific stories appeared as a result. American News magazine published an article that told the story of an American submarine. The submarine was travelling under the water at the depth of 70 meters (200 feet). The submariners suddenly heard a strange noise. Then they sensed a vibration that lasted for about a minute. Afterwards, it was noticed that all members of the crew added some years to their age. When the submarine surfaced, the satellite navigation system showed that the submarine was in the Indian Ocean, 300 miles off the eastern coast of Africa and about ten miles off the Bermudas. However, making any conclusions about this story is a premature thing to do. The US Navy never confirmed or rejected the information.

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Gražvydas Kasparavičius, pirms 15 gadiem :

Cia tai geras atsakymas :)nifiga neisirasiau i anglu kalba bet patiko:)

Gabrielius Tukaj, pirms 15 gadiem :

pavandeninis laivas plauke per bermudus 70m. gylyje staiga pradejo drebet, kai iskilo paaiskejo kad jie indijos vandenyne, cia nepilna istorija, bet baigesi tuo jog visi laive buve zmones numire per 2sav. nuo senatves (jie pradejo ziauriai greit senti)


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