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neko jo cik var ar tiem saitiem, pietiek jau ar draugiem kur seedeet un neko nedariit!:)

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Uldis Segliņš, pirms 14 gadiem :

Viena prātīga doma

    Frīdrihs Nīče, pirms 14 gadiem :

:DDD Zelta vārdi.

, pirms 12 gadiem :

Tips for baby gender prediction

It is quite natural for couples to wonder what kind of baby will be. In some cases, they even use online quizzes sex of the baby or baby calculators just so they can calculate the chances of conceiving a girl vis-à-vis a baby boy. baby's gender prediction can be done by several methods - some of which provide a 100% accuracy and supported by scientific studies while others remain mere witnesses. If you're not a big fan of surprises and you want to know the sex of your baby right away, you may want to consider some of these tips prediction baby gender.

The Old Wives Tale - Despite the technologies we have today, there is a wide range of superstitions concerning the prediction of the sex of the baby. The <a href="">Plan My Baby</a> accuracy of these ancient techniques are highly variable, but they can be a fun way to calculate the probability of having a boy or a girl. For example, some couples believe that you can detect the sex of your baby with the Drano prediction method. This technique is to check the color of urine after it is added to a cup of Drano. Dark urine color is an indication that you have a boy while urine which does not change its color indicates a girl. Another popular belief baby gender prediction is in your wedding ring. You hang the wedding ring on your tummy. If it swings in a circular motion, you are more likely to conceive a girl. If it swings back and forth, there is a greater possibility for a boy.

Test baby gender prediction - prediction test baby gender is best for parents who want to prefer the science of witnesses. The kit determines the sex of the baby by plotting the amount of active fetal chromosomal DNA in your blood sample. This exam can be taken in the first five weeks after conception. It is believed that the test accuracy rate exceeds 80-90% of ultrasound.

Ultrasound - If your baby is positioned correctly, you can detect the sex of your baby about 16 weeks after conception. An ultrasound is a medical method used during pregnancy to detect faults baby possible to accurately count and determine your due date and check the growth, size and sex of your baby. The test uses sound waves that are generally above the range of human hearing. These waves help create images of organs in the body of the mother. As the waves bounce from your body to the machine, wave reflection is analyzed by the computer and turns into images. If you want a higher output in advance, you can take a 3D ultrasound and a souvenir photo or video of your unborn baby. While ultrasound has proven to be 95% accurate, it remains a very few situations where the wrong gender is recommended.

Depending on your beliefs and ethical considerations, there are a variety of tests baby gender prediction consider. Accuracy, however, is more likely to be achieved through scientific and medical techniques.


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Liela daļa publikas tur vēlas ieraudzīt pupus. Daudz pupus. Nopietni. Man tā šķiet.

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Laura Erele, pirms 14 gadiem :

Un tas spētu piesaistīt cilvēkus? :D Nu šaubos gan... tad šī saita lielākā daļa apmeklētāju būtu vīrieši...

    Frīdrihs Nīče, pirms 14 gadiem :

Hmm... Nu ja arī nespētu piesaistīt, tad neatbaidītu jau noteikti. :D

Uldis Segliņš, pirms 14 gadiem :

Sex sells, baby, sex sells.
Laura - te jau pupu nav, tāpēc te nav tikai vīrieši.

Priekšnieks, pirms 14 gadiem :

yeeee! Es pupu saitā piereģistrētos pirmajā dienā!!! :D

    Frīdrihs Nīče, pirms 14 gadiem :

Re? Es tač teicu. :D

Laura Erele, pirms 14 gadiem :

Es nedomāju to, ka šajā saitā ir lielākā daļa vīriešu - bet tajā, ko ieteica Rihards! Mazliet nepareizi noformulēju teikumu! Ar to domāju, ka ja izveidotu tādu saitu, tad būtu vairums vīriešu apmeklētāju!

    Frīdrihs Nīče, pirms 14 gadiem :

Nu nē, Lauras jaunkundz... Ja tajā saitā būtu tikai vīrieši, tad jau tur pupu nebūtu! A ja tur nebūtu pupu, tad tur nebūtu vīriešu. Tātad ir jābūt arī meičām. Značit 50 uz 50 ir labākā pupu/krāniņu attiecība.

Bet vispār necepies. Es saku, ka tas sociālaiJJJs saits neizdzīvos enīvei.

Laura Erele, pirms 14 gadiem :

Nē nē, es jau neko! Tik tāpat uzturu sarunu :D


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pirmkārt kas sanāks, jacilvēks kurš vienu teikumu nevar pareizi uzrakstīt, sāks veidot sociālajus sajtus? :oD
Otrkārt kas vispār ir sociālajs sajts? Tipa un pārējie? Ja tā, tad man liekas vēl viens tirgus dalībnieks nīkuļos, jo vismaz latvija jau ir sadalīta starp draugiem, ogo, inboxamigo un pārējiem. pārspēt tos pašus draugus šobrīd man liekas nereāli un to vienīgais spēj facebook, jo tur pavisam citi apgriezieni.
treškārt sociālajā sajtā publika vēls ieraudzīt kvalitatīvu saturu un lielā daudzumā bez maksas.

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Laura Erele


Reālu dzīves atspoguļojumu, daudz dažādus interesantus faktus, notikumus!
Galvenais, lai ir vērtīgi, interesanti un jauki!

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