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Need For Speed Carbon cheats!

Spēles un izklaide » Datorspēles & Online spēles

Internetā atradu visādus kodus, vadu iekšā kā teikts šeit "Cheats for NFSC are entered at the main menu or the 'click to continue' screen.", vadu iekšā, bet tā izskatās ka kodi neiet!Kur un kā man vadīt kodus iekšā, lai tie strādātu?

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Atbildes (3)

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Type any of the following cheat codes at the 'CLICK TO CONTINUE' screen. Some codes may work if entered at the MAIN MENU screen.

Cheat Effect
friendlyheadloc ksapplied Unlimited Crew Charge
nosforeverever Unlimited NOS
slowitdownwhenyouwant Unlimited SpeedBreaker
inthezoneskin unlocks Autozone Vlinyl
syntecskin unlocks Castrol Syntec Viny
5grand5grand unlocks Castrol Cash
shinycarsarethebestcars unlocks Chrome Cars
cooperlogofreeforyou unlocks Cooper Tire Logo
chasingmobile unlocks Corvette Z06 Interceptor for the quick race
guesswhoisback unlocks Cross Corvette Z06 for the quick race
trashtalking unlocks Rhino for the quick race
bigredfiredrive unlocks Fire Truck for the quick race
speed3foryou unlocks Mazda Dealership
lotsoffreelogos unlocks Need for Speed Carbon Logo Vinyls
lotsoffreevinyls unlocks Need for Speed Carbon Special Logo
watchoutthebigtruckishere unlocks Dump Truck for the quick race
pharrellvinylgogo unlocks Pharrell Vinyl
canyonalltheway unlocks all

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  • -2




[size=24] Hello to all. :) Check out these cool gaian screenshots and guilds! I made a big list. :) Please check them out and post a reply there. :)
- :3nod: [/size]

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