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ka uz androida uzlikt lai SD butu galvena kratuve telefona? uzstatijumos nevar nmainit!

Sadzīves tehnika un elektronika » Telefoni un mobilie telefoni

Lieta tada ka istalejot uz android 4.4.2 LG L65 jebkadas aplikacijas visas saglabajas iekseja karte, labi tas ir normali, bet kad piesarnojas vins nevar neko uzzinstalet uz sd karti. Lai pat uzliktu sd karti ka galveno kratuvi uzstadijumos nav. Varbut netur es mekleju ludzu palidziet. Esmu jau telefona izstaigajis krustam skersaaam.

Pirms 10 gadiem


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Raivo Kalnins


I found an easy way to move certain apps from the phone storage to external SD. My phone came with a "File Manager" app. I tried this and was thrilled that it worked.
Open the File Manager app
Should show you two folders: external_SD (or whatever you've named your SD card) and SDcard0 (this is the phone storage)
Click and open SDcard0 folder and select the app folder you want to move by long pressing on the folder (without opening it). Long pressing will bring up options - select "move". It will automatically take you back to the main folders. There, select your "external_SD" folder and the bottom will display the options "cancel" and "paste". Select "Paste". If it asks you if you want to overwrite existing, check the "Apply to all files" box and click "Overwrite".
The file will transfer and in almost all cases, the app is perfect; you'd never know you moved it.
Please note: I moved my Evernote app and it reset to default - none of my notes were displaying. So, I sim

pirms 10 gadiem  

Raivo Kalnins, pirms 10 gadiem :

So, I simply moved it back using the instructions above taking it out of the external_SD and moving it back to the phone. Worked perfectly.
The other thing is that for some reason the "Waze" app won't move. No explanation.
Good luck!

Kristaps Aizupīts, pirms 10 gadiem :

Vajadzigs tiesi Fail Manager? es vinu tikko noka4aju bet man nerada lai es varetu izveleties vai sd karti vai ieksejo vins uzrez iemet mani iekseja :@


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