Pamatā gan tas paredzēts prezentāciju veidošanai.
pirms 15 gadiem
Tā nav, ka gluži neviens. Ir cilvēki, kas to dara arī Wordā.
Want to bring a PowerPoint to web and share with some friends but can't figure out how? Here are two solutions. The first is to put the presentation on a site directly as a normal PowerPoint PPT or PPS file. The second is to convert the presentation to a web-friendly files like html and flash.
You can use the Web to give others access to your presentation by publishing (publish: To save a copy of a file in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) format to a Web server.)...
gv9000, pirms 15 gadiem :
www lapas neviens nezīmē powerpointā - tas ir priekš prezentācijām.