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Kāda bija tā secība?

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Es atceros ka bija tāda secība ka no vienas puses lasa tādā secībā ir bemoli (piem. si bemol mi bemol la bemol...) un no otras puses diēzi (piem. fa diēz do diēz...) Es pierakstīju bet man pazuda kaut kur!

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Māris Raugulis


An mnemonic that can be used to remember the order of the flats in key signature notation (B,E,A,D,G,C,F) is by taking the first letter of each word in the following sentences:
Battle Ends And Down Goes Charles' Father
BEAD Gave Charlie Food
Blanket Exploded And Dad Got Cold Feet
Big Enchiladas Always Drip Gooey Cheese First
Better Educated Animals Don't Go Catching Frisbees
Before Eating A Donut Get Coffee First

The same mnemonic can be used backwards for the order of sharps: Fat Cows Go Down And Eat Breakfast

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Māris Raugulis, pirms 15 gadiem :

An mnemonic that can be used to remember the order of sharps in key signature notation (F,C,G,D,A,E,B) is by taking the first letter of each word in the following sentences:

French Canadians Get Donuts At Every Breakfast
Fat Cats Gulp Down All Early Birds
Fat Cats Go Dancing After Eating Breakfast
Father Charles Goes Down And Ends Battle
Father Christmas Gave Dad An Electric Blanket

The same mnemonic can be used backwards for the order of flats: Birds Eat Angleworms Do Gophers Catch Fish.

Pāvils Ņikitins, pirms 15 gadiem :

Nu bļins vari kko arī Latviski kko uzraxtiit????


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Valdis Tomsons


Bemols pazemina, diēzs paaugstina par pustoni.

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Pāvils Ņikitins, pirms 15 gadiem :

Nē to es zinu, bet bija tāda rinda saraksta piem. si mi la re.... un no vienas puses bija kā pareizi pēc kārtas jākārto bemoli, bet no otras kā diēzi!


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