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Ilze Margeviča


Ja tev daudz naudas bankas kontā un vai esi dāsns pret hakeri vari to Jailbreikot ! Pirms to dari iesaku izlasīt šo !
After one very irking virus, a new worm is eating into jailbreak iPhones, this time in Netherlands, as has been confirmed by the security firm F-Secure. The virus is particularly targeting those users who access the internet banking services of the Dutch online bank ING Direct with their iPhones.

The virus tends to redirect the bank's customers to a site which looks like the bank's website with a log-in screen. Like all other viruses, this worm also tends to attack only jailbreak phones, i.e., iPhones which have been modified by the users to run non-Apple approved software on their devices.

Also at risk are iPhones which have SSH (secure shell) installed, which is a file-transfer system which lets users remotely connect with their mobile devices. It comes with a default password 'alpine', and not a lot of users know that this should be changed, leaving their phon

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jā, es esmu spējīgs Tev palīdzēt. 22377225

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