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windows 7 ultimate 64-bit

Datori un internets » Programmnodrošinājums

Vai ir iespējams pāriet no windows 7 ultimate 32-bit uz 64-bit, nedzēšot ārā failus vai programmas?

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If you want to move from a 32-bit version of Windows to a 64-bit version of Windows 7 or vice versa, you'll need to back up your files and choose the Custom option during Windows 7 installation. Then, you'll need to restore your files and reinstall your programs. For more information about performing a custom installation, see Installing and reinstalling Windows 7‍.

There are two options to choose from during the Windows 7 installation process:


Upgrade. This option replaces your current version of Windows with Windows 7, and keeps your files, settings, and programs in place on your computer.

Custom. This option replaces your current version of Windows with Windows 7, but doesn't preserve your files, settings, and programs. It's sometimes referred to as a clean installation for that reason.

In this article you'll find detailed instructions for installing Windows 7 and reinstalling Windows 7.

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